Global Recruitment

Companies are looking for exceptional employees, with company knowledge and superior management skills, who can also work well with limited resources. Hiring professionals, skilled workers, or artists from the global market may result in better and long-term results. Sometimes the most qualified candidates are not found within the geographical confines of one’s own country and companies hire talent from other countries.
Sending expats overseas is a very complex process and we take into account all the formalities such as immigration requirements, tax equalizations, allowances, insurance and other payments. Globalization has also created the need for companies to engage talent with knowledge of local markets, local contacts, and the ability to localize products and services.

ABP Management Services Pvt. Ltd. provides recruitment services for both expat hiring and recruiting local talent for global mandates. We are global recruiting experts assisting organizations to expand internationally by providing them with both domestic and foreign talent to, for and from overseas markets.