Contractual and Temporary Staffing

Contractual and Temporary Staffing is one of the oldest forms of manpower engagement. Organizations are in a constant need professional to meet their short-term and long-term goals.ABP Management Services provide both contractual and permanent staffing solutions. Our company has professionals and dedicated recruiters to support organizations in a quick and hassle-free manner.

Contractual Staffing: Some task and project require a particular skill set and expertise for a limited period of time that can be catered through contractual employment which is a feasible alternative to permanent employment. These services are cyclic in nature and thus workers are required to make frequent work adjustments.

Temporary staffing: In temporary staffing, a worker works with a client company but is on the payroll of a third parting staffing company. There are three parties involved: Client Company, the third-party vendor and the employee. The temporary employees work in the facility of the client companies, but receive salary and benefits from the staffing companies.

At ABP Management services we deliver flexible workforce who are fully assessed, screened and ready for work at very short notice and reduces the staffing constraints in times of peak operations.